Theirstudies show that women who take an aggressive approach are oftenless likely to get ahead than those who exhibit more femininetraits. If however, they try to conform, promotion comes theirway.
The findings,which will dismay feminists, suggest the best way for a woman tosucceed in a man’s world is to act like a lady. They tally withpast research that showed women oozing with self-confidence,assertiveness and other characteristics linked with successfulmanagement can be side-lined at work in favour of meeker types. Itis thought that while such traits are highly-prized in men,go-getting women are penalised for not being feminine enough andare seen as less likeable.
The study asked80 young men and women about their personality while they studiedfor a master’s degree in business administration. Eight yearslater, the researchers got back in touch to find out how theircareers were progressing and found that ‘macho’ women who took anaggressive approach had been promoted less than more femininesorts. The bossy women who made a conscious effort not to appeartoo threatening by ‘self-monitoring’ their behaviour had donebetter than those who had carried on regardless.
Some had beenpromoted five times, others just once or twice, a journal publishedby the British Psychological Society reports. Self-awareness – orthe lack of it – did not affect the fledgling careers of men, theresearch from George Mason University in Virginia found. A previousU.S. study found that pushy women job applicants were the leastlikely candidates to be employed. Dr Olivia O’Neill, who carriedout the latest piece of research, advises assertive women to pickand choose when to be forceful. She said: ‘If they are seen tobehave in a stereotypically male way, they may damage their chancesof promotion, even if these traits are synonymous with successfulmanagers.’
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