现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,而其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。
一般来说SHL类型test的分两部分:numerical test和verbal test。这里我们分别来探讨。
第一部分:verbal test
所谓verbal test(verbal:口头的),就是给出一段100~200多字的短文,然后让你根据文章意思,判断题干信息正确与否,主要考察应聘者的英语阅读能力和逻辑判断能力。
verbal test 一般会分为TEST1 和TEST2 ,每个TEST都会有两篇PASSAGE。我们来剖析一下真题:
The verbal questions which follow are multiple choice. For each question, you are given several possible answers. When you have selected your answer, click in the appropriate circle.
…………………… verbal test一般都会遵从的要求
In this test you are given two passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to these rules.
(1)If you think the statement is patently true or follows logically given the information or opinions contained in the passage
Click on A
(2)If the statement is patently untrue or the opposite follows logically, given the information or opinions contained in the passage
Click on B
(3)If you cannot say whether the statement is true or untrue or follows logically without further information
Click on C
the big economic difference between nuclear and fossil fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactions are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to run. so disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revove not just around the prices of coal and uranium today and tomorow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income.
(1) The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one.
(2) The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the efficiency of nuclear reactors.
(3) If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage.
In this test you are required to evaluate each statement in the light of the passage. Read through the passage and evaluate the statements according to the rules.
(1) TRUE: If the statement follows logically from the information or opinions contained in the passage
Click on A
(2) FALSE: If the statement is obviously false from the information or opinions contained in the passage
Click on B
(3) If you CANNOT SAY whether the statement is true or false without further information
Click on C
Many organizations find it beneficial to employ over the summer. permanent staff often wish to take their holidays over this period. F uturemore,it is not companies to experience peak workloads in the summer and so require extra staff. summer employment also attracts students who may return as well qualified recruits to an organization when they have completed their education.
(1)It is possible that permanent staff who are on holiday can have their work carried out by students.
(2) Students in summer employment are given the same paid holiday benefit as permanent staff.
(3) Students are subject to the organization's standard disciplinary and grievance procedures.
(4) Some companies have more work to do in summer when students are available for vacation work.
第二部分:numerical test
所谓numerical test(numerical:数字的),就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的(个人以为)是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力(换句话说,就是眼睛要快,手要快,脑子更要快)。
numerical test也会分为TEST1和TEST2。下面我们来看真题:
Numerical Example Questions Introduction
The numerical questions which follow are multiple choice. For each question, you are given several possible answers. When you have selected your answer, click in the appropriate circle.
…………………… numerical test要遵循的要求
In this test you have to use facts and figures presented in statistical tables to answer the questions. In each question you are given either five or ten options from which to choose. One, and only one, of the options is correct in each case. Note that for questions that have 10 options you may have to click on more than one letter to indicate your answer.
For some numerical tests of this nature you may be provided with a calculator - for some you may be required to work without one. You may try the following questions with or without the use of a calculator - as you wish. In addition at your assessment, you may be provided with rough paper for your working out.
(1) Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start of 1985?
(a) UK France (b) Italy (c) Germany (d) Spain
(2) How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to the nearest 1,000)?
(a) 104,000 (b) 840,000 (c) 1,044,000 (d) 8,400,000 (e) 10,440,000
(3) What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth and death rates in 1985?
(a) Decrease of 66,700 (b)Increase of 84,900 (d)Increase of 85,270 (e)Increase of 752,780 (f)Cannot say
(4) What percentage of the total 15mm button production was classed as sub-standard in September?
(a) 10.5% (b)13% (c)15% (d)17.5% (e)20%
(f)23.5% (g)25% (h)27.5% (i)28% (j)30.5%
(5) By how much did the total sales value of November's button production vary from October's?
(a) ?8.50 (Decrease) (b) ?42.50 (Decrease) (c)?85.00 (Increase) (d)?27.50 (Decrease)
(e)No change
(6) What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub-standard (as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period?
(a) ?13.75 (b)?27.50 (c)?,137.50 (d)?,280.00 (e)?,275.00
In this test you have to use facts and figures presented in statistical tables to answer the questions. In each question you are given five answers to choose from. One, and only one, of the options is correct in each case. If necessary use a sheet of rough paper for your working out.
The numerical questions which follow are multiple choice. For each question, you are given several possible answers. When you have selected your answer, click in the appropriate circle.
see how many questions you can answer in 5 minutes, remembering you should work accurately as well as quickly.
Mars ICI Unilever 高露洁 汇丰银行 恒生银行 渣打银行 德勒 KMPG 瑞安集团
1. 毕马威KPMG、安永E&Y
Paper Test
2. 德勤DTT
On-line test
Goup Discussion
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