Written Test for PRC Management Trainee 2003
Time allowed: 1.5hours
Part 1: translate the following passage into Chinese
Environment:Over the last decade, Swire Group have proved time and again that while “gr een” initiatives may cost money to implement in the short term, in the long term, many will bring substantial cost benefits, so that “going green” is not just a luxury only big businesses like ours can afford. Anyone can see that a well-maintained engine will reduce fuel consumption and prolong the l ife of the vehicle or that switching off lights one doesn’t need will save on electricity bills. The message is that small-scale efforts are just as important as the high-pr ofile ones and ‘doing the right thing “by our environment need not depend on costly investment in new technology. In fact, we believe it is more abort developing new ways of thinking about generating savings, and this is why, over the last few years, we have tried to engender a whole new corporate cul ture across our business. “Green” forums and workshops, widespread recycling campaigns, and activiti es such as beach cleaning, tree-planning, farming, environment fun days and fairs, have all helped to encourage an appreciation of nature amongst our st aff and to make environmental responsibility a part of their everyday lives. We have also completed a second educational video/CD ROM in three languages , endangered planet, endangered home, which promotes simple ways in which a responsible approach to the environment can be adopted at both a corporate a nd a personal level.
Part 2: select one of the following and answer in English in not less than 3 00 words
1) The “Enron Scandal” has far-reaching political and financial implicatio ns. What can corporations learn from this incident?
2) “The youngsters nowadays are too well provided rot and ever protected.”
What are your views?
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