1. Didn’t research the Company.Didn’t know the CEO’s name, the size of theCompany, their Business, the marketcap, theticker symbol (for Publiccompanies), etc.
2. Didn’t sell themselves, or forgot tocommunicate: “This is what I can do for you,becausethis is what I have done in school, and for others,”etc.
3. Were nervous, had poor Body language, ordidn’t look theinterview in the eye. They obviously didn’t practice interviewing or selling themselves. They say things like,“What would youlike to know about me?”
4. Didn’t have a real understanding of thePosition (i.e. not doing theirhomework about the Job) oreven asking about thePosition’s Responsibilities.
5. Were not enthusiastic or did notdemonstrate a level of Commitmentto work, the Position, or the Industry.
6. Didn’t remember what is on their resume.For example, being asked aquestion about a part-time or summer Job and notremembering much about it.
7. Were not thoughtful or inquisivequestions to Ask at the end ofthe Interview.
8. Were not able to differentiate themselvesfrom other candidates(i.e. what makes them a better candidate than others).
9. Were not able to identify their weaknessesand show how they Planto strenthen them.
10. Were unable to relate what they havestudied or what they havedone to a Business setting.
乞丐的觉醒:当改变自己时 一切都在改变 当你改变自己时,你会发现一切都改变了。 曾经有一个卖花的小姑娘在卖完大部分的花之后,发现天色己晚,所以决定早点回家。…[详细]
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厘清职场4种病症,3条界线,找到职场共感 拿不出成果的职场,常常欠缺的一个部分—那就是“共感”。 首先,我们将在这边一次公开,没有共感的职场中常常可以看到的4种病症…[详细]
乞丐的觉醒:当改变自己时 一切都在改变当你改变自己时,你会发现一切都改变了。 曾经有一个卖花的小姑娘在卖完大部分的花之后,发现天色己晚,所以决定早点回家。…[详细]